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CodePal: Learn programming 2.6
JAVASCRIPT Learn programming and computers, as they are essential21st century skills. By choosing to learn programming technologieslike Javascript, you will be prepared for jobs of the future asJavascript is used in web development, app development, games andbackend development and is the language of the future. WithCodePal, you can learn cutting-edge programming languages andtechnologies like Javascript, mobile app development, webdevelopment with bite-sized lessons, quizzes, and games completelyoffline and learn to code. You can also write real Javascript codeand we have several challenges to help you test your ability andlearn programming quickly. Develop mobile apps, learn webdevelopment, and learn Javascript, all for free with CodePal. Makeapps and websites with CodePal. We focus on helping kids masterJavascript programming as the programming language of choice,because it is the most widely used coding language today, and canbe used to create web applications as well as mobile applications.CodePal helps beginners of all ages learn Javascript and computerbasics through games and fun challenges that help improve problemsolving, logical thinking, analytical, and coding skills. Thus,beginners can learn programming anytime, anywhere. By choosing tolearn Javascript programming, beginners will invest in a long timejourney of programming, where they will be able to developcutting-edge mobile and web apps and technologies, very quickly. Byfollowing our self-guided challenges, quizzes, and games, beginnerscan learn programming very quickly. Moreover, if you have beencoding for a while, you can use CodePal to brush up oncutting-technologies and learn programming a different language soyou can be in a better position for jobs. LEARN TO CODE Forabsolute beginners, we also teach basics of coding through blocks,which is coding for kids. Besides, beginners can also learn to codeJavascript as we start right from the basics. Kids of all ages canlearn Javascript. We keep adding new courses regularly. CODING FORKIDS Kids can learn the basics of Javascript programming andlogical thinking through blocks, which serves as a great codinglanguage for kids and beginners. Blocks are the best way to learncomputer basics for kids and when combined with coding games, a lotof fun. Also, coding for kids can be best achieved through games.Currently, we offer the following courses: JAVASCRIPT FUNDAMENTALSI An introduction to the Javascript programming language throughfun challenges and games. Learn through several lessons, codingchallenges, games, and quizzes the following key concepts: 1.Functions 2. Variables 3. Operators 4. Conditionals 5. Arrays 6.Loops By learning important Javascript fundamentals, master thelanguage that is powering websites, mobile apps and servers.JAVASCRIPT FUNDAMENTALS II Continue your learning and understandingof Javascript with the following concepts: 1. Objects 2.Higher-Order Functions 3. ECMAScript 6 BASICS OF CODING (BLOCKS)Learn to code with our flagship beginner coding game called "HungryJumbo", where you will help Jumbo collect fruits and earn points.Through Hungry Jumbo, kids can learn the following crucialconcepts: 1. Functions 2. Variables 3. Loops 4. Nested Loops 5.Debugging 6. Logic and have fun at the same time. This game goesinto the depths of logical thinking via coding to ensure thatbeginners learn very important concepts which will help themgreatly in their computer science learning journey. REACT NATIVEComing soon! With React Native, you will learn the fundamentalsrequired to build an app on both android and ios. CodePal is agreat way for beginners and intermediate programmers of all ages tolearn Javascript programming and programming language basicsoffline, on-the-go. Learn to code with CodePal! If you have anyquestions, please reach out to us. We would love hearing from you.